Rules and procedures for IEB Award
A. Procedure for nomination of candidates
5 (five) Corporate members out of whom at least 3 (three) should be Fellows, may propose name of the candidate for the Award of IEB Medal 2022 as per Article 64 of the Constitution of IEB.
B. Eligibility for IEB Award/Medal
· The candidate must be a Member of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, unless otherwise decided by the Council.
· The candidate must be an eminent engineer who has earned a name for himself in his profession and widely respected.
· He must have personally contributed towards the enhancement of knowledge in his own discipline.
· He must have exhibited commendable leadership qualities including innovation in the discharge of his duties.
· He must have also contributed to furthering understanding and friendship among professionals of his country and abroad in conformity with the objectives of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
C. Format for Bio-Data
Educational Qualification
Professional Affiliation : Membership/Fellowship No.
Awards received/Distinctions (if any)
Last 5 positions held
Details of significant Design, Research Development
Contributions towards professional development both national and international
Contribution towards professional understanding and international co-peration. Involvement in IEB activities and remarkable achievement